BB20 Skill Building Event-2020

This event is limited to 24 participants!

About BB20:
BB20 stands for "Badge Bit 20" and is an event for those who have already completed 20 badge bit activities in the SKIP curriculum. SKIP stands for "SKills to Inherit Property" and it is a set of experiences you can complete to prove you can do permaculture. While a PDC teaches you how to do permaculture design and analysis, SKIP is hands-on. You are making things, fixing problems. Building solutions.
When you complete several things (called Badge Bits, or BBs), you earn a badge. This is an event aimed at those who have completed 20 or more BBs, and need Wheaton Lab's guidance and facilities to complete even more!

Feel of the Event:
In this program, you will gain and demonstrate new skills. It isn't about training, classroom time or lengthy discussion. It's about pounding out actual projects that you want to accomplish. This event will be heavily focused on giving attendees the ability to complete badges they cannot complete at home, such as building a 7 foot tall hugelkultur garden bed, or cooking in a rocket oven, using a scythe, or driving an excavator.
There will be a guide/facilitator for all the planned work. Each day will be loosely organized around a certain Badge Bit activities, but attendees may decide to work on other BBs if they want. It will be largely self-paced with instructors available. Come armed with a list of BBs you want to get knocked out, and The event is limited to 24 participants.

Day 0 (October 18th) - Get Settled In:
Set up your tent or move into your cabin, take some time to explore Wheaton Labs and get settled in

Day 1 (October 19th) - Earthworks and Gardening
Digging with an excavator, building a hugelkultur garden bed

Day 2 (October 20th) - Rocket:
Starting and cooking on various rocket stoves and ovens

Day 3 (October 21st) - Metalworking:
Make a kindling cracker and/or other fire tools

Day 4 (October 22nd) - Food Prep and Preservation:
Cooking on rocket stoves and ovens, using solar dehydrators and haybox cookers

Day 5 (October 23) - Free Choice:
This is a day to work on the BBs you most want to accomplish, or to finish up earlier BBs.

Mike Haasl

Mike Haasl is a mechanical engineer, woodworker, blacksmith, and permaculture homesteader in northern Wisconsin. He constructed a sweet greenhouse, builds with pallets and upcycled material, and experiments with compost heat. He is developing a demonstration site for permaculture homesteading, and is collaborating to create the SKIP program.

Paul Wheaton

Paul Wheaton, The Duke of Permaculture, is an author, producer, and certified advanced master gardener. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts, multiple DVDs, and written dozens of articles and a book. As the lead mad scientist at Wheaton Labs, he's conducted experiments resulting in rocket stoves and ovens, massive earthworks, solar dehydrators and much more.
Ash jackson

Ash Jackson is a registered architect, a professional rules monger, and a passionate Dad. In addition to building websites, data visualizations, and a bit of soil life, he has also created over thirty bespoke project management systems, including one to track an individual’s PEP Badges. He enjoys learning new things and sharing that newfound knowledge with others. He is an avid proponent, pursuer, and co-collaborator of the SKIP program. In short; he is bonkers about it.

Ashley Cottonwood

Ashley runs a small scale CSA, composting program, poultry operation, and homestead. She likes turning food scraps back into fresh fruits and vegetables with the help of her feathered friends. Her dream is to create a food production system based on a circular economy. Ashley loves learning new homesteading skills and is a keen volunteer for the development of the SKIP program.

Fred Tyler

Fred has led the Bootcamp at Wheaton Labs for three years now. He's directed and taught skills ranging from organic gardening to woodworking to natural building. He is the coordinator of roundwood timberframe projects and food growing systems.

Josiah Kobernik

Josiah cobbled together a diverse background in commercial agriculture, horticulture, market gardening, raising livestock, homesteading, and other general build/fix skills before landing at Wheaton Labs in 2019. Since moving to the labs, he has taken to working with roundwood timber framing, earthen plasters, videography, rocket contraptions, and any other inventions he can get his hands on.

Jennifer Richardson

Jennifer Richardson is a former cattle rancher and current resident of Wheaton Labs. She is participating in the boot camp and living in Allerton Abbey, the first wofati, in order to test the thermal inertia of the structure.

This event is limited to 24 participants!
You must have completed 20 BBs to register. If you are not comfortable with being recorded, please do not attend. Tobacco/drug/vape free campus.
Regular Price: $1,050
BB20 Skill Building Event
October 19th - 23rd, 2020
Paul will provide food staples, but since it is a free event, it would be nice if people could bring some food. If you have special dietary needs/desires, you might want to bring your own food and use our rocket cook stoves, ovens, solar ovens and other cooking contraptions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where exactly is Wheaton Labs?
If I really love it at Wheaton Labs, can I stick around?
Can I bring my kids &/or spouse? Do I have to pay extra for them?
What about my dog?
Smokes? Booze? 420 friendly?
What other things are nearby?
What should I wear/bring?
What kind of food will be provided?
More Questions?
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