Rocket Mass Heater Jamboree

The Rocket Mass Heater Jamboree will not be returning in 2024. maybe 2025?
Let us know if you want to see the RMHJ to happen next year...

About the Rocket Mass Heater Jamboree:
Whether you are an experienced builder, or new to wood-powered rocket technology, there is something for you at the Rocket Mass Heater Innovators Event!
Rocket stoves and rocket mass heaters (RMHs) are a low-emission, efficient way to harness the power of sustainable wood for fuel. The term "rocket" comes from the sound that the wood makes as it burns--there are no actual rockets involved!
At the RMH Jamboree, the basics of rocket technology will be taught, while multiple innovations will be made, such as a tiny house rocket mass heaters, a rock kiln, rocket forge, solar food dehydrator with rocket booster, rocket wood oven, rocket sauna, and a whole lot more!

Our Jamboree Format:
Attendees can wander among all SEVEN of the tracks and participate or observe as much or as little as they like. The instructors will see a project to completion either with or without help.
This is an event where you can follow your passion and interests to learn about the aspects of rocket mass heaters and other efficient wood-powered technology. You can learn the basics, or join in the more advanced rocket innovations.
Seven Tracks of Rocket Technology

TRACK ONE – Cooking with Fire:
- Portable Rocket Kitchen/BBQ/Fogon
- Rocket Booster for Solar Dehydrator
- Solarium rocket

TRACK TWO – Forge and Kiln:
- Rocket Forge
- Rocket Kiln 2.0
TRACK THREE – Home Heat:
- Rocket Mass Heater for Shann-Delier
- Rumford or Rocket Heater

TRACK FOUR – Toasty Tooshes:
- Bun Warmer
- Puppy Warmer
- Library Rocket

TRACK FIVE – Testing and Improving Design:
- Efficiency/Clean Burn Tests on Existing Appliances
- Tipi
- Cottage rocket improvements
TRACK SIX – Rocket Mass Heater Basics
Part of our formal SKIP/PEP1 Program
- welding
- metalworking
- build a J-tube style rocket mass heater
- build a dakota stove
- operate various rocket mass heaters and rocket stoves
- metalworking basics
- make cob

TRACK SEVEN – SKIP: Skills to Inherit Property
Part of our formal SKIP/PEP1 Program
- make a bird house, insect hotel, snake and toad habitat
- make a hugelkultur garden (everyone who wants to can drive the excavator!)
- hot water bath canning
- fermenting
- pickling
- foraging
- harvest and eat wild edibles
- harvest and preserve natural medicine: comfrey poultice, dried mullein leaves, and more!
- make public art and branding a location
- textiles: sewing, darning, crochet, basket weaving, making twine
- using rocket stoves, rocket ovens, and rocket water heaters
Daily Schedule
7:00am – breakfast
8:00am – summary of the day
8:30am – session 1
10:00am – session 2
noon – lunch
1:00pm – session 3
3:00pm – session 4
5:00pm – cleanup
6:00pm – dinner
7:00pm – evening presentations
9:30pm to 6:30am – quiet time
Arrival: Day Zero (the day before the beginning of the event) Register and get settled in.
airport pickups: 10am to 5pm
arrival by car: 1pm to 5pm
Chris McClellan

Uncle Mud (aka Chris McClellan) raises free-range, organic children in the wilds of northeast Ohio. Between building things out of mud and junk he writes for Mother Earth News Magazine and teaches simple DIY skills at workshops and fairs.

Kirk Mobert

Kirk is a natural builder who has taught with Cob Cottage Co. and around California for over a decade. Kirk's particular interest in Rocket Stoves and Rocket Mass Heaters is in providing a pathway to super efficient, high technology solutions; with low technology, do it yourself methods. Kirk, also known as Donkey, is the administrator of, a hotspot for discussion and innovation of all things Rocket Stove.

Christina Keegan

Christina Keegan organizes mutual aid projects with neighbors in Cleveland, Ohio to meet basic needs, advance housing justice, and advocate for greater community control of decision-making. Her work as a grant writer, project manager, teacher and builder focuses on developing healthy, affordable housing and community self-reliance. Her tools include rocket mass heaters, natural building, Permaculture and other urban land regeneration practices.

Ray Cirino

Ray Cirino is an inventor, happy scientist, permaculturalist, natural builder, cob oven and rocket stove master. As a skilled woodworker, natural builder, welder and artist, Ray teaches young people proven sustainable skills and methods. Having created myriad works of functional architecture rocket stove systems that defy convention, he alters environments to live in accordance with nature. His life's mission is to create self-reliance and peace for everyone.

Sky Huddleston

Sky Huddleston is an experienced entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the renewable energy industry and commercializing obscure technologies. Over a decade of combustion system engineering experience including the engineering of diesel engines, aircraft engines, and biomass combustion systems for residential and commercial applications. Extensive experience in mechanical engineering, drafting, and design. He is currently the CEO of Liberator Rocket Heaters, which has the worlds first and only rocket mass heater that is tested and certified to being compliant with UL-1482, ULC-S627, ATSM-E-1509 safety standards, and fully EPA certified.

Rodney Morgan

Rodney Morgan has a Masters in Sustainability and has been working with energy building energy efficiency and alternate designs for over 15 years. He is a Small Wind installer, CPHC (PHIUS, Passive House), Landfill Manager, Hazcom 40, and Mud Buddie. In short, an overeducated mechanic that enjoys playing in the mud and preserving the planet.

Paul Wheaton

Paul Wheaton, The Duke of Permaculture, is an author, producer, and certified advanced master gardener. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts, multiple DVDs, and written dozens of articles and a book. As the lead mad scientist at Wheaton Labs, he's conducted experiments resulting in rocket stoves and ovens, massive earthworks, solar dehydrators and much more.
Isaac Workman

Isaac became interested in Permaculture in his teenage years. After attending a PDC in 2016 he decided this would be a direction he would pursue for his life. Since 2019 Isaac has been pursuing opportunities and projects that allow for learning and practice in natural building, wood working, farming, and videography. Isaac often spends his other time working on sailboats.

Note: 80% refund up to two weeks before the event starts. If you are not comfortable with being recorded, please do not attend. Tobacco/drug/vape free campus.
Rocket Mass Heater Innovators Event
Paul will provide three simple meals a day at no charge, but food is not included with your ticket. If you have special dietary needs/desires, you might want to bring your own food and use our rocket cook stoves, ovens, solar ovens and other cooking contraptions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where exactly is Wheaton Labs?
If I really love it at Wheaton Labs, can I stick around?
Can I bring my kids &/or spouse? Do I have to pay extra for them?
Can I attend this online?
What about my dog?
Smokes? Booze? 420 friendly?
What other things are nearby?
What should I wear/bring?
What kind of food will be provided?
More Questions?
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